The Top 3 Reasons Matcha Is Great For Your Health


If you’re anything like me, you may have been a bit skeptical of the bright green drinks that seem to be so popular at coffee shops these days. To be quite honest, it wasn’t until recently that I finally gave in and tried one. 

While the Starbucks version of the iced matcha latte has a tad too much sugar for me to feel comfortable calling it healthy (more on that later), matcha itself boasts a plethora of health benefits. 


What Is Matcha?

Matcha is a green tea powder that makes use of the entire tea leaf. Why is this important?

When you steep tea leaves in a mug of hot water, only a fraction of the nutrients makes it to your mouth, leaving you to throw away the rest.

With matcha, there isn’t a steeping process. Instead, the green tea leaves themselves are incorporated into the drink as a powder, meaning you consume every health benefit it has to offer.

However, it doesn’t stop there. There are plenty more reasons why matcha is slightly different yet substantially better for you than loose leaf green tea. In this article, we’ll be covering the top three health benefits of matcha and why you might consider going green at your local coffee shop.


Green Tea Vs. Matcha

Before I researched it, matcha seemed too green to be real. As it turns out, matcha just has a ton of chlorophyll, which is the key to many of its health benefits.

Matcha’s well-recognized bright green coloring is achieved by keeping the tea leaves shaded from the sun. This accelerates the production of chlorophyll, which not only makes the tea more vibrant, but also packs a generous serving of antioxidants.

Because of this, matcha contains ten times more antioxidants than a single cup of regular green tea. 

Aside from aiding the prevention of various chronic diseases, antioxidants are also known to fight inflammation and cell damage, which leads us to the first health benefit of matcha tea.


Matcha Can Support Clear Skin and Reduce Acne

The anti-inflammatory properties of antioxidants are one of the main reasons why matcha is so good for your health. When it comes to skincare, this is especially so.

Acne is inflammatory, matcha is anti-inflammatory…you can connect the dots. With matcha being a great source of antioxidants, it’s easy to see the potential of what this green powder can do for your skin. 

This is all thanks to a special compound called epigallocatechin gallate, perhaps better known as EGCG. What makes this potent antioxidant so special is its ability not only to soothe inflammation, but to inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria.

According to one study, EGCG was able to effectively reduce dermal inflammation caused by P.acnes, one of the main bacterial culprits for breakouts.

Moreover, EGCG significantly decreased the amount of sebum produced by the skin. Considered crucial to the development of acne, sebum is an important target to eliminate in order to achieve clearer skin. 

In fact, the same study found an 80% reduction in acne after 8 weeks of regularly consuming matcha. It’s hard to find results like those in any other food.

Considering the variety of ways matcha can be used to help your skin, from face masks to beverages, it’s definitely worth a shot to try.


Matcha Keeps You Focused Longer and Better Than Coffee

In speaking of shots, you might want to put down the espresso for a moment. 

There’s a reason why matcha first appeared in the spotlight as a way for samurai and Buddhist monks to maintain prolonged concentration. 

Matcha contains a combination of two essential compounds for alertness: caffeine and L-theanine. When these two chemicals are brought together, they promote attention without the uneasiness that caffeine alone oftentimes induces.

One study found that this special combination improved reaction time and memory recall, while reducing headaches and fatigue.

What’s more, matcha’s pairing of caffeine with L-theanine provides a steady flow of focus, rather than the characteristic energy spike and crash of coffee.


Matcha Can Support Healthy Weight Loss

Perhaps one of the most popular reasons for drinking matcha, weight loss support is also a potential benefit of this green powder.

According to one study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the consumption of green tea increased daily thermogenesis (the process of burning fat) from 8-10% to 35-43% of daily energy expenditure. In short, it can do wonders for your metabolism.

The key is to be mindful of the matcha you consume. It’s hard to hear, but you might want to look somewhere other than Starbucks for your daily matcha fix. 

A quick glance at their online nutrition facts reveals that the first ingredient in the Starbucks “Matcha Tea Blend” is actually sugar. In fact, an iced matcha latte in a tall cup (their smallest size) packs 20 grams of the sweet stuff. That’s about 80% of the recommended daily limit on sugar. While the matcha latte they offer would serve well as a nice treat, it might do more harm than good if your goal is to lose weight. 

Although weight loss goals should be accompanied by a healthy diet and adequate exercise, matcha tea is a great supplement for those looking to shed a few extra pounds.



There are many benefits to drinking matcha, and it definitely lives up to the hype. If you’re looking to mix up your usual coffee order or are curious about what it can do for your skin, mental clarity, or weight loss goals, matcha is definitely worth a try. 


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